We would like to streamline our workflow by seamlessly connecting Glean's advanced search and knowledge management capabilities with Fellow's comprehensive meeting management and collaborative tools.
Proposed Features:
Unified Search:
  • Allow users to search for Fellow meeting notes, action items, and agendas directly from Glean.
  • Enable retrieval of relevant meeting content from Fellow in Glean's search results.
Action Item Sync:
  • Sync action items and tasks between Fellow and Glean to ensure that all follow-ups from meetings are tracked and easily accessible.
  • Notifications for assigned tasks and due dates should be visible in both platforms.
Meeting Content Access:
  • Provide direct links to Fellow meeting notes and agendas within Glean’s interface.
  • Allow users to tag and categorize meeting notes in Fellow for better organization in Glean.
Collaboration Enhancement:
  • Enable users to attach Glean search results and knowledge snippets to Fellow meeting agendas and notes.
  • Facilitate sharing of Glean search findings within Fellow meetings to foster informed discussions and decisions.
Benefits of the Integration:
  • Improved Efficiency: Users can quickly find and reference meeting notes and action items without switching between platforms.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Seamless sharing of information ensures that team members are always on the same page, leading to more productive meetings and follow-ups.
  • Centralized Knowledge: By linking Glean's extensive search capabilities with Fellow's meeting management, we can create a central repository of organizational knowledge that is easily accessible and actionable.