Show the full AI Recap (including decisions, action items, and chapters) when sending notes to email, Slack, and Teams
Mikaela Friedrich (Fellow)
When sending notes to email, Slack & Teams include all of the recap content (decisions, suggested action items, chapters), not just the AI-generated text summary
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Jason Joseph
To the FELLOW team: If you haven't seen the Gmail Chrome extension that allows you to send an Email from your inbox to a Slack channel or Slack message, then I would implore you to give it a spin, because the way it works is SO clean.
It would be great if Fellow's share of the Recap, could be implemented in MUCH the same manner. The gmail share lets you share with a comment attached wether you're sharing to a channel or an individual. It would be great if Fellow could do the same. ALSO, the way the emails are shared in Slack are so clean with the ability to unfurl.
Honestly hope you have a look because frankly it is extremely well executed, and Id hate for Fellows share to Slack to be anything less.
Anyone here can attest to this? Chime in please.
Mikaela Friedrich (Fellow)
Merged in a post:
Include chapters with AI summary when sending to Slack
Mik Lernout
I would find it helpful if the chapters of the AI summary were included when sending notes to Slack and checking off to include the AI summary.
Mikaela Friedrich (Fellow)
Paul Goldston
Mikaela Friedrich (Fellow) huge +1 for this!!
We need this desperately and are considering other note taking apps like Granola at the moment. Can't keep these awesome notes locked inside of Fellow 🙏