Connect both Google and Office calendars to the same account
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Bryan deSilva
Important need!
Crick Waters
We do half of our work on Google and half on Teams. Many of our customers are on Teams and invite us to Teams meetings. I would like to use Fellow on Teams for those meetings. But I am not able to because Fellow only supports one or the other, not both.
Further, depending on the customer, my company may need to create a Teams meeting (using Google calendar) to support Teams-only clients (all Government clients and many F500 industrials, for example). But Fellow will not work in Teams because we are connected to Fellow via Google Apps. This means that the Fellow plug in for Teams will not work, and Copilot will not record Teams meetings.
Please provide a way for Fellow to be used in Teams and Google with a single Fellow account.
Kyle McDaniel
A critical feature for me to embrace company wide as most of our people use google for personal but because of the nature of our business and tech stack we must use Microsoft Exchange. Thank you.
Joseph Ormerod
Much needed other apps provide this FYI